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We provide a variety of products and services such as Tree planting and equipment, Weed Barrier and Application, No-till drill rental, No-till Grass drill rental, Mowing, and Tilling. For information on mowing and tilling, please contact the office directly. We also coordinate with the LaMoure County SCD for the rental of a manure spreader. Also, below is a link taking you to our Vendor List.


Deer Likes and Dislikes

Dickey County Vendor List



The tree planter can only be used with bareroot sized conservation tree stock.  The cost of the trees is included in the price.

*  The charge for a machine planting is $40.00/hundred linear feet.

*  The charge for planting handplants is $6.00 per tree (tree and labor).


Tree Planting



The weedbarrier machine lays the fabric down and works best on properly prepared ground. The District tries to place the fabric as secure as possible, but it is necessary to periodically check your fabric to make sure that all areas are secure, especially after a storm. The weedbarrier machine cannot lay fabric around curves. The cost of the fabric is included in the price.

*  The charge for the fabric application is $65.00/hundred linear feet.


Weed Barrier



The 1590, 15’ wide, 7 1/2” spacing no-till drill can be rented for $10.00 per acre. To save time, download and fill out Agricultural Service Agreement and Drill check-out sheet. Copies are also available from office. Appropriate sections need to be filled out before and after drill use.


No-Till Drill



The District has 2 Great Plains Grass drills. The 10’ Great Plains 1006 NT has 7 1/2” spacing and 3 seed boxes. The newer drill is a 3PGN15 - a 15 foot wide drill and has similar boxes and spacings. Drill rent is $10/acre. To save time, download and fill out Agricultural Service Agreement and Drill check-out sheet. Copies are also available from office. Appropriate sections need to be filled out before and after drill use.


Grass Drills



We have two Stihl BT45 Earth Augers available for rent. These gasoline-powered augers are great for when producers decide to either plant their own handplants or if they need to replace dead trees in existing plantings.

Price: $25/day (includes blended fuel)


Tree Auger



We have purchased a  7 1/2 foot Buhler disk for use by producers. This is ideal for tilling strips for tree plantings. Call the office for rental information.


Disc Rental



A Kuhn PS160 Vertical Manure Spreader that has approximately 600 cu. ft. capacity is available for rent.

Contact LaMoure SCD at 701-883-5344, ext. 3, for more info or for scheduling.

Price: $350/day


Manure Spreader





Bareroot, conservation grade trees are typically 18-24 inches. $3.00/tree. There is a 20% discount for bundle orders of same-species trees. Larger sizes also available by request for replacements in windbreaks.  For complete tree listing and order form: 






Fabric is woven, black polypropylene 18 mils in thickness, 6 feet wide by 500 feet long roll, and can be purchased by the roll or per foot.


Price:  $0.35 per foot or $135 per roll


Staples are used to secure weedbarrier fabric to the ground. 10x2x10 8-gauge staple


Price:  $0.20 each or $75.00 for box of 500


Fabric and Staples



Vigilis Standard Tree Shelters are rigid, twin-walled, cylindrical tree shelters, manufactured from UV-stabilized and photodegradable polypropylene.

They have flared rims to minimize stem abrasion and our standard tree shelters have laser lines that are designed to split as the tree grows.

The green color allows the correct balance of light wavelengths to be absorbed by the tree – a process called photomorphogenesis.

The shelters may need to be checked periodically and re-staked if deer have pushed them over from constant rubbing. The shelters may qualify for cost share assistance. Shelters are 3-4 inch diameter and cost $5 each. Shelters are 5 foot in height. Stakes are sold separately if needed.



Tree Shelters



Your tree shelter installation is only as good as the stake you choose for the job. The district offers durable, virtually unbreakable, and reusable SunFlex™ stakes. SunFlex stakes flex in the wind to help seedlings develop stronger stems and are engineered to stand tall with built-in super strong “memory” to return to a straight position even on the windiest sites. Stakes are sold for $4.50/piece.They are 6 feet in length.

We also are carrying a different, cheaper option of tree stakes. They are a plastic coated steel rod garden stake. The coating has gnarled spurs to keep the tree tube from moving so easily. They are available for $2/piece.



Tree Stakes



We sell cover crop seed—forage radish, turnips, sugarbeets, sunflowers, peas, millet, rape, barley, oats, grain sorghum, lentils. We also sell inoculant. Call for prices and mixes.


Benefits of cover crops include:

  • · Improve overall soil health

  • · Increase crop diversity

  • · Increase organic matter

  • · Improve water infiltration

  • · Reduce soil compaction

  • · Improve nutrient cycling

  • · Reduce fertilizer needs

  • · Provide additional grazing

  • · Reduce late season herbicide needs

  • · Improve soil structure



Cover Crop Seed
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